Human Animal Bond Therapy Pets
Ft. Leavenworth, KS

Become A Volunteer
– Fill out and submit the application form at the bottom of this page.
You will be contacted by the HAB Assistant Director who will assist you.
– Schedule a physical examination for your pet with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will issue you a health certificate (see sample form under the Member Resources tab).
– Schedule a temperament test for your pet. HAB evaluators will conduct the temperament test coordinated by the Assistant Director.
– Review membership paperwork under the Resources tab. The completed paperwork will be given to the Assistant Director.
– Pay your dues to the HAB treasurer. Dues consist of $25 for one pet, $30 for two pets, or for a family membership.
– Attend a HAB meeting with your pet. General Membership meetings are held at the Leavenworth First United Methodist Church, 422 Chestnut.
– Observation/Supervised visits. Once you and your pet have completed the above requirements, you will schedule an observation/supervised visit through the Assistant Director.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Application Form at the bottom of the page.